Spaceless Space, Timeless Time- Love Challenge Day 55

Hanna Katz
1 min readNov 27, 2020


Invitation: Be in the gap, the spaceless space beyond space, beyond the beyond, before space existed. Be in timeless time before time. In this pregnant Fertile Void of No-Things-Ness (ness=miracle נֵס), all potentiality arises . This is Home where we always have been ONE, always will be.

Affirmation / Mantra: (2 minute to Infinity) “Ana Yah Taun” “ענה יה טעון” = Yah/God/Existence Answered (is) Loaded/Charged with my/god’s light.


Enjoy the journey and Thrive.

Love and Blessings. Namaste

Hanna Tantra Coach, Day 55 Tantra Love Challenge

#Love, #Tantra, #Meditation, #Couple, #Relationship , #chakra, #energy, #healing, #mantra, #breath,#yoga, #spiritual, #secret, #thrive, #space, #time, #thegap

Originally published at on November 27, 2020.



Hanna Katz

Hanna Tantra Katz, ExtraOrdinary Tantra & Success Empowerment Coach, Teaching Tantra since 1998 Psycho-Sexual Therapist, Published Author, Produced Film & Music