Happily Ever After… Again

Hanna Katz
9 min readJun 8, 2020

There’s something you can do as a couple to shift your relationship from “argh” to “yay”. After all, you’ve seen others overcome their challenges and transform their relationships to ones built on connection, excitement and intimacy.

Even when you feel you’ve lost the spark, spontaneity and connection you used to have with your partner …or if you believe your relationship is doomed to fail.

We all want to be loved and YES ! It is possible to make your relationship fulfilling, intimate and blissful.

Happily ever after… that tale of times gone past, with the knight in armour riding up on his great stead and carrying you off into the sunset for you to live happily, ever after.

We’ve all heard this story and most of us will have believed in it at some point.

The idea of the “right” person coming along and everything miraculously falling into place making your lives blissful and harmonious without any effort on your part is what we all dream about, whether you’re the knight or the fair maiden waiting to be saved. Yet, it rarely, if ever, happens.

Many of us will have become skeptical and closed off to the possibility of ever finding bliss or harmony in our relationships. I’m sure you can relate, right?

Our conscious mind may tell us otherwise, but it’s the nature of our heart to always yearn for connection with our beloved. Yet, since we’re not taught about relationships in school or from our family home, all we can do is draw on what the movies, songs and romantic novels tell us.

Here’s the thing though, happily ever after can and does exist in relationships. Just not in the way you think.

When you put in the work to stop your automatic behaviour, gain some self-awareness, connect to your own heart space, drop your fantasies and all that we think we know about relationships, we can take a bog standard, ordinary relationship and elevate it to extraordinary levels.

All of this is possible once we’ve fully activated this knowledge that’s been hiding away in our unconscious.

I invite you to take a few moments to sit quietly and imagine a programme that:

1) dramatically changes the way you see and feel about your partner.

2) leaves you never having to feel disconnected and resentful in your relationship again!

What would such profound changes mean for you and your relationship?

Having fulfilling and intimate relationships in our life matters whether we want to admit it or not. They boost our immune system.

They give us energy and confidence. They support us in our work and purpose. They give us a sense of belonging and…they open our hearts and lead us to feel loved.

Expect nothing and experience everything !

It will be way beyond what you can envisage. Anything you expect will be based on your past experiences. This is a whole new approach to how you view the relationships in your life. Even for experienced Tantra teachers, coming to my events, they learn something new every time, uncovering new levels of experience and understanding.

Ultimately, it is up to you to get the benefits of the teachings. If you bring in the past “I know” and judgments, then you will certainly be setting yourself up to disappointments. When we expect we are limiting all new experiences to arise., When we expect, we anticipate it to look/be in a certain way.

We invite you to bring a beginner’s mind and be anew in every moment, then you will truly benefit from each moment.

Ready to have an Amazing and Fulfilling Relationship?

Here’s the truth…

It’s commonly believed that half of all marriages fail. You could say it’s a common belief in the times that we live in, that relationships like anything else in life, have an expiration date. I believe couples split up because we haven’t been taught anything about how to deal with our own inner emotional landscape, let alone someone else’s emotions.

  • We don’t learn what it takes to be in a fulfilling relationship,
  • We think we don’t have to put in any work

and if we do put in the work,

  • We think it’s going to be too hard,
    but after the chemicals from the excitement of falling in love wears off, you are left to deal with a real person made of flesh and blood, going through the motions of what it means to be an emotional being in a world that values the rational more.

Heavenly Relationships — Rising in Love and Intimacy is an experiential online course based on Tantric teachings and practices in how to elevate your relationship to new levels

Perfect for couples who:

  • may have dabbled in spiritual practices
  • believe there is more they can do in their relationship
  • that life is all about relationships and how we perfect them
  • ready to take their relationship to a much more exciting level!

When participating in this Workshop Series, You and Your Partner will learn how to:

  • Find a way to open up to each other, removing resentment and boredom from your relationship.
  • Attain more desire and surplus energy in your relationship. Relationships thrive given the right tools.
  • Create more excitement, kindness and positivity with each other, so the challenges of everyday life don’t take up as much space.
  • Develop a skill-set to communicate better so you feel more connected and can handle challenges more lovingly

You will:

  • Learn ancient, proven techniques from the Tantric scriptures to bring more intimacy, bliss and connection with your partner.
  • Interactive/experiential exercises to deepen your understanding and connection with your partner to undertake in between sessions.
  • Delivered in 2.5 hour virtual workshops over 16 sessions.
  • Unlimited digital access to the workshops.
  • BONUS: 2 hr private coaching session with Hanna Tantra Coach.
  • BONUS: “Tantric Healing Massage For Lovers” 2 x DVD (2 hrs) Learn how to perform the 13 Tantric rituals including: honouring rituals, The Awakening of the Senses, practical steps to Tantric massage, Yoni and Vajra massage and “The Gateway to Heaven” massage.


DATES in 2020 are:

SUNDAYS: July 5, 12, 19, 26, Aug 2, 9, 16, 30, Sept 6, 13, Oct 18 and Nov 1

TIME: 9:30 PST /12:30 EST /17:30 UK BST /19:30 Israel Standard Time

Working as a relationship and life coach for the past 4 decades, I have found that deep down our primary motivation is that we want to be loved and to show love. It doesn’t matter whether we are a man or a woman, we all want to share our love.

We all want to be loved.

My unique approach, based on years of research into human behaviour, ontology and psychotherapy, covers the mind, heart and spiritual aspects of our being.

When all three are integrated in a practice, we can truly excel in life and love.

By adding Tantric practices to this experiential cocktail of uncovering what we don’t know about relationships, to rediscovering who we are and connecting from a place of heartfelt meaning, will blow your mind away and allow you to be present and intimate with your partner again.

Testimonial Mr. I. Professional, 22 June 2019: “I completed one of Hanna’s courses at the London Tantra Event. It was profound, what was really great was the energy I felt in the room at the time. I have felt rejection right through my life due to issues to do with early years, adoption and so on.

I have known for many years in my head that this rejection was not entirely real, but during Hanna’s course for the first time ever I got it in my heart that it wasn’t real. It was really an amazing experience…it was a profound experience of feeling love in the room and in the world..”

Testimonial Prem Kara: “As a “serial” participant in various spiritual, therapy and tantra workshops, I didn’t expect anything very different from this one…I was as wrong as one could be — the experience was profound, beautiful and literally mind blowing. It was not about a better sex life, even though our sex life definitely got better; it was not about psychology of the relationship, even though we both left the workshop more in love with each other then on our honey moon — it was like taking a very powerful potion that gets one closer to the sacred reality of being itself. Trying to describe it doesn’t make it justice…but if you, the reader of these words, have any love for yourself or your beloved, don’t go to this workshop — run to it !”

Efrat Bustan Shomer, Tantra Teacher Testimonial , 5 June 2020 “I see you as part of my great teachers in my private as well as professional life.❤Hannah, beloved, You are One of the teachers full of knowledge I knew. You teach with love and kind generosity. I love learning from you, and you know how to deliver the material with grace and lots of beauty. Thank you for everything and who you are for me.”

When we are immersed in the process during the Tantric session, you will experience immediate results, you will experience altered states of consciousness, deeper love connection, being profoundly moved by your love partner and yourself.

Being guided in authentic Tantric rituals, from ancient practices. Tantra is embodied spirituality, the art of honouring sacred sensuality. It is the Yoga of relationships. Tantra is the weaving of energy and consciousnesses, in every act and gesture. It is about dedicating, honouring rituals that you can easily do once you have been guided.

Tantric practices can be used to enhance experiences of relating and of how we can conduct energy in our body leading to greater aliveness, connection to others; and profound states of being which can enhance relationships. Tantra enables you to connect to others, seeing the divine in them.

Tantra is a way of life! The Yoga of Relationships. (NOT a religion) It is a practice in which we accept & use the nature of the mind, body, senses, sexuality and feelings, to help us evolve spiritually. In this practice, we strive for emotions to be expressed appropriately & authentically.

Rising In Love & Intimacy comprises of the following:

  1. Tantric Erotic Arts
  2. Sacred Honouring
  3. New Ways Expressing Love
  4. Holly Breath
  5. Divine Design
  6. Luxuriating Abundance
  7. Veda Imprints
  8. New Ways Of Love Communication
  9. Tantric Initiations
  10. Invocation
  11. Transforming Energy
  12. Love Lessons
  13. Mandalas
  14. Being Love
  15. Love Offerings
  16. Love Images
  17. Tantric Music
  18. Sacred Touch
  19. Return to Innocence
  20. Love’s Nature
  21. Karma Changing
  22. Morning Practices

I can help the two of you regain your sovereignty in your relationship.

Time is of the essence. Here’s why…

If your primary relationship isn’t working and is the cause of a lot of stress, it affects everything else you are doing in your life: your work, your finances, your health and your well-being.

Don’t waste any more time. The new skill-set and wisdom you will gain from my teachings will stay with you for the rest of your life!

If you’re ready to feel deeply again, to feel loved and connected, to experience the fulfilled love life you deserve in your relationship…

then secure your places for this transformation now!



Thousands of couples and tantra & spirituality teachers globally are using my teachings, books and DVDs to learn and teach. Some well known teachers are still continuing their study with me privately. You can read more on my websites.

Thank you for reading all and thank you for whom you are.

Testimonial M.: “ I would like to thank you from deep inside for this lovely, inspiring, healing and opening (for the heart, body and mind) weekend. I am so happy that we overcame our crisis and were open and ripe to receive these gifts and treasures that you gave us. And it’s very exciting and beneficial (even for our daughter). We are practicing “homework” in our own rhythm and for us it’s a lot! A couple of months ago I couldn’t imagine that I could be in this state of relationship with my partner. And this is just the beginning….Much love and gratitude.”



Hanna Katz

Hanna Tantra Katz, ExtraOrdinary Tantra & Success Empowerment Coach, Teaching Tantra since 1998 Psycho-Sexual Therapist, Published Author, Produced Film & Music